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Number 1 Housing in Nation as ranked by

The Nation's Top Ranked On-Campus Housing

Only the Best! SVSU提供多种住宿选择,包括传统的宿舍楼,两居室套房,2024 niche badge and apartments. This great selection, 以及卓越的设施和云顶国际机会, has once more earned Niche's ranking as the nation's #1 best college dorms 在公立大学和公立和私立机构中排名第四.

Adam Eyre Portrait
Coming here was the best decision I made. There is always something taking place on campus. 通过沉浸在校园,你建立了特殊的关系,把校园变成了家.

— Adam Eyre

Housing for First-Year Students

Each year over 1,100名新生利用全国领先的住房选择,包括一年级套房和生活中心.

First-Year Suites

First Year Suites Exterior
  • Central location
  • 小厨房包括一个2炉灶台、冰箱和微波炉
  • Four bedroom Suites (4 students, 4 bedrooms)
  • Free convenient parking

Living Centers

MJ Brandimore Housing Exterior
  • 南生活中心,西南生活中心和MJ Brandimore House
  • Kitchen
  • 四卧室和五卧室的公寓(包括单人卧室和共用卧室)
  • 双效或三效单位(2或3名学生共用)
  • Free convenient parking

Housing for Returning and Transfer Students


Pine Grove

Housing Pine Grove Exterior
  • Townhouses and apartments
  • Kitchen
  • Four bedroom units (4 students, 4 bedrooms)
  • Two bedroom single units (2 students, 2 bedrooms) 
  • Free convenient parking

Living Centers

MJ Brandimore Housing Exterior
  • Living Centers South
  • Kitchen
  • 双效或三效单位(2或3名学生共用)
  • 四卧室和五卧室的公寓(包括单人卧室和共用卧室)
  • Free convenient parking

University Village

Housing University Village Exterior
  • Townhouses and efficiencies
  • Kitchen
  • Four bedroom units (4 students, 4 bedrooms)
  • Single efficiency units (1 student, 1 bedroom)
  • 两卧室单人单元(2名学生,2间卧室)有限供应
  • Free convenient parking
Student moving into on-campus housing

2024 Fall Move-in Information


Welcome, Cardinal, to SVSU Housing!  我们很高兴能成为你的家外之家, 我们迫不及待地欢迎你加入我们的校园社区. Please read all of the following 详细信息,以帮助您办理入住手续. We look forward to greeting you!  

在你到达校园后,你必须先办理登机手续 and obtain your key.  请记得携带带照片的身份证件办理登机手续.e. driver’s license. 

一旦你拿到钥匙,停车场就会开放供你卸货,包括 K (day use only), L (FYS A-E and MJBH residents), R (day use only), J-2, J-3, and J-4 (FYS F/G residents) (见下图)和其他住宅停车场,如果你选择把车停在社区附近的话. Our entire enthusiastic Housing Operations and Residential Life staff 会在现场迎接你,欢迎你来到校园吗.  Y您可能希望带一辆手推车或手推车来协助运输 请将您的物品送到您的房间,我们将有教职员工在新生日帮助我们的新生. 


Check-in Dates & Times

每天上午9:00 -下午3:30 -请参阅下面的入住时间表了解详细信息

 Friday, 8/23/24 – Saturday, 8/24/2024
每天上午9:00 -下午3:30 -请参阅下面的入住时间表了解详细信息

Move-in campus map - download

Download Fall Move-in Map (769KB)

Steps to Check-In

  1. 为了获得密钥,请确保您已注册并全额付款.  Account information is listed at mySVSU.  直接向校园金融服务中心询问有关余额的问题 or by calling 989-964-4900.
  2. 强烈建议住宿学生在社区生活之前接种任何推荐的疫苗.
  3. 携带带照片的身份证(驾照或SVSU身份证)办理登机手续并做好准备.
  4. Check in and unload.  No driving on sidewalks at any time.
  5. Receive a Parking Pass. 如果您已登记,您可在我们的停车服务帐篷领取您的通行证.
  6. 将车辆从您的住宅/临时卸货停车场移至住宅停车场过夜.  
  7. 在开箱前完成你的房间状况报告(检查所有个人和社区/共享空间,包括你的单位外部),并返回住房办公室, Curtiss 118, within 7 days.
  8. Put trash in dumpsters.  Recycle packing materials near our trash dumpsters; collapse cardboard, etc.
  9. 如果您对您的房间有任何疑问,请随时到酒店办理入住手续.  在登记时间后和晚上/周末与值班的注册会计师联系.
  10. Give loved ones a farewell/goodbye hug.
  11. 通过建立联系来享受你的新家和校园社区!

Move-in Schedule


 First Year Suites

TIME Wednesday, 8/21/2024    
9:00 am

FYS A-9, B-9, C-9, D-9, E-9, F-9, G-9


10:00 am

FYS A-8, B-8, C-8, D-8, E-8, F-8, G-8


11:00 am

FYS A-7, B-7, C-7, D-7, E-7, F-7, G-7



12:00 pm FYS A-6, B-6, C-6, D-6, E-6, F-6, G-6     
1:00 pm

FYS A-5, B-5, C-5, D-5, E-5, F-5, G-5




2:00 pm

FYS A-4, B-4, C-4, D-4, E-4, F-4, G-4


2:30 pm

FYS A-3, B-3, C-3, D-3, E-3, F-3, G-3

3:00 pm

FYS A-2, B-2, D-2, E-2, F-2, G-2

3:30 pm 

FYS A-1, B-1, C-1, D-1, E-1, F-1, G-1


Merry Jo Brandimore House

TIME Thursday, 8/22/24    
9:00 am MJBH 101-108, 201-208, 301-308    
10:00 am      
11:00 am MJBH 109-120, 209-220, 309-320    
12:00 pm      
1:00 pm MJBH 121-128, 221-228, 321-328    
2:00 pm MJBH 129-136, 229-236, 329-336    
2:30 pm MJBH 237-242, 337-342, Open Check-In for MJBH/LCSW    
3:00 pm  Open Check-In for MJBH/LCSW    
3:30 pm  Open Check-In for MJBH/LCSW    

Living Center Southwest

TIME Thursday, 8/22/24    
9:00 am LCSW 2101-2117, 2201-2229, 2301-2317    
10:00 am      
11:00 am LCSW 2118-2129, 2218-2229, 2318-2329     
12:00 pm      
1:00 pm LCSW 2130-2134, 2230-2234, 2330-2324     
2:00 pm      
2:30 pm Open Check-In for MJBH/LCSW    
3:00 pm Open Check-In for MJBH/LCSW    
3:30 pm Open Check-In for MJBH/LCSW    

Living Center South

TIME Wednesday, 8/21/24    
9:00 am LCS 1101-1115, 1201-1215, 1301-1315    
10:00 am      
11:00 am LCS 1116-1131, 1216-1231, 1310-1331    
12:00 pm      
1:00 pm LCS 1132-1138, 1232-1238, 1332-1338     
2:00 pm LCS 1139-1145, 1239-1245, 1339-1345    
3:00 pm      
3:30 pm      

University Village East

Friday, 8/23/24 9:00am - 3:30pm, UV 450, Community Center
Saturday, 8/24/24 上午9:00至下午3:30,Curtiss Hall 118,房屋营运(不提供高尔夫球车服务)

University Village West

Friday, 8/23/24 9:00am - 3:30pm, UV 450, Community Center
Saturday, 8/24/24 上午9:00至下午3:30,Curtiss Hall 118,房屋营运(不提供高尔夫球车服务)

Pine Grove

Friday, 8/23/24 9:00am - 3:30pm, PG 7800, Community Center


Saturday, 8/24/24 上午9:00至下午3:30,Curtiss Hall 118,房屋营运(不提供高尔夫球车服务)


Additional Move-in Information

请通过住房门户访问房间分配.  SVSU login name and password required. 在来学校之前,你可以和你的室友交流ontact them via email using the SVSU email system. 我们建议你不要和室友一起购买物品,以防万一 are made before you move in.

We want to 确保学生有最能满足他们需求的膳食计划. To make any changes, please fill out the meal plan change form in the housing portal anytime thru Friday, August 30, 2024. 

Your ID 如果您没有收到卡,将在入住时分发卡 it at our SOAR or TOP orientations. 你需要它来识别身份,进入膳食计划和大楼入口. 

All University housing facilities are furnished. 一些共用卧室已被改造成单人卧室 an extra set of furniture which must stay, as we do not have additional storage on campus. 虽然你没有必要带家具,但我们鼓励你个性化你的房间, 只要家具是室友认可的,并保持消防出口.  Please do not put holes in any surfaces. 此外,住房运营办公室不认可任何用于墙上悬挂物品的粘合剂产品. 

将在校内停放车辆的学生将有机会提前在停车服务中心进行登记 and clicking on Parking ServicesPermits 将于登记当日于泊车服务处提供泊车服务予所有预先登记的人士使用. 与我们对可负担性的承诺一致,permits are free of charge to students. 学生须提供驾驶证及有效车辆登记证件,方可办理车辆登记. 当您登记您的车辆时,将提供停车场分配. 将车辆留在校园的学生需要在午夜登记时将车辆停放在住宅停车场. 在任何情况下都不能在人行道或草地上开车. 


Housing Operations
Curtiss 118
(989) 964-4255

Residential Life
Curtiss 114
(989) 964-4410

Dining Services
Curtiss Hall 122
(989) 964-4252